Monday, January 12, 2009

Framing My World

Since it's the beginning of the year and most people set "goals", I decided to do something different. I realize that most people have dreams and ideas of what they want their lives to be like. When I was young, I used to daydream about what I thought my future would be like! I wanted my husband to be dark and tan, like John Travolta looked in Grease!, and I wanted to live in a big beautiful white house with a little land. I knew I wanted at least 3, no more than 4 children. I wanted to serve God and raise my family the same. I wanted to graduate college, be a cheerleader and a teacher, and I wanted to always be where God is moving! Other than the big white house, I discovered that I am living out my own dreams. But I don't think I am finished! I still have ideas of things I want to accomplish, places I want to go, health goals, ministry visions, helping others, etc... So why is it that some people get there at the end of their life and they are fulfilled, and some people only talk about it and never live it?

I recall in college continually dwelling on the scripture Moses spoke to the nation of Israel as they were in the desert, as the Lord had spoken through him, "I set before you life and death, THEREFORE, CHOOSE LIFE!" So the reality is that life IS a choice and as we grow older, we are living out the choices we have previously made. I always ask my children if their choices are life-giving!? Believe it or not, a 3,5, and 8 year old know the difference! So, for fun, I had my Bible study girls do a project...We are going to get a picture frame and inside, create anything that we want that describes the life we want to live, so that we can have something to reflect on when we are carrying out our daily lives. It should be fun and it should represent who you are. The most important thing is to dream big-remember your childhood dreams. What thoughts are you allowing that help you choose life and accomplish those goals, and which ones are hindering you from growing each day? Remember the choices we have been given. You can choose to finish the race of life that has been set before you! Don't give up, just choose to define the world you live in, based on God's Word and promises! HAVE FUN

Here is an example of how to get started:

1. Make a list of all your thoughts-dreams. Remember places, people, colors, etc.
2. Try to find a scripture or scriptures that applies to you and what you want to accomplish
3. Select a frame that looks like your style (size and designs depend on you)
4. Use the computer to print, use picture, or just use words (some girls use magazine clippings)
5. Arrange your ideas so that they fit into your frame

* It would be interesting to hold on to it so that you can see through the years how God is faithful to you!

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